Free Bullet Journal 12 Months Designs A5 Printable Inserts – Download Now!


Free Bullet Journal 12 Months Designs A5 Printable Inserts

Free Bullet Journal 12 Months Designs A5 Printable Inserts, instant download for free!

I’m keeping a bullet journal for more than a year now, and it really helps me organizing several projects at once. I was keeping it quite minimal and simple, but this year I decided to take it to another level, make it fancier and practice my lettering skills too. I think the past few months I spent more time setting up my new journal than actually working! Of course, I love everything around Bu Jo, the supplies, the analog format and how easy I can customize it to my own needs.

So, in order to decorate my Bu Jo I made 12 inserts for each month of the year, in A5 format.
And, I decided to share them with all of you for free! Click the button below to download them for free!

Free Bu Jo Months Design A5 Inserts (1636 downloads)

Finally, if you liked the wreath designs and you want to create your own, for this freebie I used the 200 Wreaths Vector MEGAPack and the lovely typeface Petit Nuage Signature Font

For other freebies check here.

Creative Hugs, Nantia


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